As our site (SecuredYou) is growing at a pretty steady rate we have decided to make many things clear to our new and existing readers. We have decided to include some very simple terms for our users and services agreements.
What is SecuredYou?
This is a blog that is highly focused on providing the future of tomorrow training and awareness about Cybersecurity and Computer Security. You will find all types of how-to articles, tutorials, and videos about online safety and security.
We keep you updated with the latest online threats and methods malicious people are using to harm you. We also write detailed reviews about antivirus programs and firewalls.
Many users may confuse some of our blog posts related to hacking, but they are NOT intended for such a purpose. We share hands-on methods that provide users with a good way on how to secure their systems by experiencing how an attacker could get access and compromise their servers or infrastructure.
Your usage/access and viewing of this website constitutes your agreement to the terms below:
- “SecuredYou” is a website that represents online security, computer security, online safety, and cyber awareness.
- Articles posted on our site are only intended to help you better secure your devices against online dangers including viruses, malware or ransomware. We do not in any means promote such actions or programs.
- This site only provides information that is ethical and not unethical.
- All the information including videos. articles and images are only provided for Educational Purposes only. SecuredYou and are not responsible in any way for any type of misuse of the information provided on our site. Any articles related to Hacking only provides legal methods and should only be used on networks and systems you own and have permission to do so on.
- Following any of the information shared in our posts on PCs/Servers that you do not own is illegal.
- We also hold no type of responsibility for the types of comments you may find below are guides. We do monitor the comments section sometimes and will remove any inappropriate content when reported or raised to our attention.
- Some tutorials, guides or tips provided by us on this site may stop working at any time if they are no longer valid or working. However, we will always to keep them updated with the latest improvements and methods.
- We will not be held responsible for any damage that you may cause (Direct or Indirect) due to reading or following our tutorials on anything e.g. PCs, smartphones, websites or servers.
- You may not cause any type of damage to our website by any means.
- Respect our team members.
- We may edit/modify comments that are not appropriate for our users. This may happen at any time without consent before the comment is approved.
- We have all the rights to modify this terms of service section and users will be notified of any changes that may happen.
- Any username, passwords, or such login information in our posts are for educational reasons only and collected from publicly accessible forums, sites, search engines and submitted by users. These are not hacked or anything of such nature.
- All the content on this website is our personal opinions.
- We are not responsible for what you do with the content from our website and by visiting any third-party link(s) that are shared in the posts/pages or anywhere on this website. We do not control the content on other sites you may visit from our site.
If you have any more questions regarding these terms of service page, please feel free to contact us!
You are responsible for any damage you do to your systems or anyone else’s systems by using the information available on SecuredYou. Every article/data provided on our site is only for informational purposes. We will not be liable for any problems, losses, damages, errors, injuries or confusions that any of the information our site may cause by displaying all the information.
All articles, images, videos and trademarks used on this site are the property of their highly respected owners. The comments below each post or page are the property of the people who post them.
If you are the author of an image or video and would like or any content that you may think is violating any kind of copyright, please do contact us and we will remove it within 24 hours. Please use our contact section to reach us.